Message from the Chairperson

Dr. Callen K. Onyambu


Welcome to the Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Medicine.

The department is a regional centre of excellence for training of radiologists and now radiation oncologists. There are four flagship programmes in the department including a masters in Radiology, a masters in radiation oncology, a postgraduate diploma in medical ultrasound and a fellowship in interventional radiology. We also offer a PhD in Radiology under the school of medicine. These programs attract local and international applicants from East and Central Africa as well as South Africa. We also provide teaching support to other clinical programs and specialties as well as teaching undergraduate students. Our programmes are interactive, problem-based, multi-disciplinary and student-centred to enable our students to achieve the highest levels of competence.

To date we have graduated several radiologists who work in our country as well as several African countries and beyond the African continent in Canada, Australia, India, Britain among others. A number of these radiologists hold key leadership and training positions locally and internationally, attesting to the success of the program in producing holistic graduates.

The fellowship in interventional radiology is one the first in East and Central Africa, and is greatly impacting patient outcomes by providing minimally invasive approach to patient management in the appropriate setting. This is especially critical for patients with acute stroke and a number of vascular lesions where the adage ‘time is brain’ is being applied in interventions for maximum patient benefit.

We have several collaborations with national and international institutions which enhances our training experiences. One of these is with RAD AID international, and this was instrumental in starting the fellowship program.

We have a faculty consisting of four senior lecturers, three lecturers, one medical physicist, and three radiation oncologists seconded from the ministry of health. There are honorary lecturers from Kenyatta National Hospital as well as international adjunct faculty from our partner and collaborating institutions. The staff also includes one senior technologist and one technologist.

During the Covid 19 pandemic our department was able to adapt and innovate to meet the special circumstances and has fully integrated the innovative ways of teaching and skills transfer while maintaining excellence.

We continue to pursue our vision of producing holistic graduates who can work in our country, regionally as well as internationally.

We invite you to visit our department or contact us on


Dr. Callen K. Onyambu


Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Medicine




History of the Department

Expiry Date